This photo of mannequin heads advertising the Muslim head
covering for women called a jilbab
[jill-BOB] was taken in a traditional market in Padang, but it could have been
taken in just about any city in Indonesia. The main purpose of a jilbab is
modesty. Good Muslim women will not go outdoors without having their heads
covered. This is a sign of submission to God as well as to their fathers and
husbands. Behind closed doors, within her own home a Muslim woman need not wear
a jilbab, but if a guest comes to visit she will quickly put on her head
For many Muslim women in Indonesia, the jilbab is seen as a
status and fashion statement. It’s not uncommon to see very elaborate and
expensively ornamented head coverings. It just goes to show how something meant
to protect modesty can become the very expression of a person’s vanity. Many
younger Muslim women have been influenced by Western culture and do not always
wear a jilbab in public, but may only wear the jilbab to the mosque.
Pray that Sumatran
women will come to realize that external fashion may make them appear holy, but
does nothing to atone for the debt of sin.
Pray that the
Holy Spirit will bring deep conviction of sin to people on Sumatra that will
lead them to realize that external good works will never make them right with
Pray for an
increasing awareness that Jesus Christ is God’s great sacrifice for the sins of
man and that many people among the peoples of Sumatra will hear and respond with
faith to the Gospel.