Friday, August 29, 2014

Pasemah People Group Profile

"So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us" (1 Thessalonians 2:8, ESV).

The Pasemah or Basemah are an energetic and enthusiastic people. They have played an important role in South Sumatra. Historically they have held key leadership positions in government and educational institutions. Many of the 330,000 Pasemah make their livelihood with farming. The center of the Pasemah territory is on the rich volcanic slopes of Mount Dempo.

Most Pasemah follow Sufi Islam. The teachings of Sufism are focused on subjective feelings and stress that it is more important to know God than to merely observe religious rituals. On Pasemah plateau there are 26 historical, religious sites. The Pasemah use these sites as special places for making sacred pledges to their ancestors for protection and good fortune. The Pasemah are also prone to seek help from a dukun (shaman) for many purposes including healing the sick.

Pray that:
One of the pressing needs in many Pasemah villages is for better medical care. Currently there are no Pasemah churches.

God will call workers to live in Pagar Alam and Lahat and focus on reaching the Pasemah.

The Holy Spirit will create a hunger in the hearts of Pasemah to hear and receive the Gospel.

Bold and broad Gospel-sowing will increase among the Pasemah.

Christian medical professionals would plant their lives among the Pasemah to serve them while sharing the Gospel with them.

God will strengthen new believers as they endure persecution and spiritual attacks.

An indigenous, resilient, courageous Pasemah church will be planted soon.

Signs, wonders, healing powers, visions, and dreams would be given to Pasemah people as the Gospel is shared in a clear, culturally sensitive way.

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