Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Casting the Net

Many of the peoples of Sumatra earn a living from fishing. This Kluet man is net-fishing in the river. The small fish that he is searching for are often dried and sold at the traditional markets all over Aceh.

Fishermen understand hard work, perseverance, and uncertainty about the results. It is possible to work hard all day and not catch a single fish. It is also possible to work part of a day and get a big catch of many fish. The catch is outside of the fisherman’s control, but one thing is certain, if he never casts the net he will never catch anything. Casting the net is his part; getting the catch is God’s part.

When Jesus walked the earth He picked several fishermen to be His companions in ministry. The characteristics that make a good fisherman also makes for a good fisher of men. Workers on Sumatra have experienced the hard work of casting the Gospel net without a single response. It can be discouraging work, but man’s part is to cast the net by sharing the Gospel. God’s work is to bring the people to saving faith. When workers faithfully do their part, they are expressing faith that in His time God will most certainly do His part.

Pray for perseverance and obedience for workers on Sumatra to keep casting the Gospel nets all over this diverse and spiritually dark island even when the results are disappointing.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead workers to people prepared to hear and respond to the Gospel all over Sumatra.

Pray for believers, especially for new believers, on Sumatra to have the courage and boldness to become fishers of men.

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