Friday, February 5, 2016

Bangka Malay People Group Profile

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8, ESV).

The island of Bangka is located east of Sumatra in the South China Sea. It’s home to the 340,000 Bangka Malay people. The Bangka Malay are friendly and welcoming to everyone. Their primary industries are pepper farming and tin mining. They are also known for a wide variety of handicrafts. Their beautiful island home has famous beaches and is a popular Indonesian tourist destination.

One of the traditions of the Bangka is for newly married couples to move away from both sets of parents. This tendency of new couples to form an independent identity has made the Bangka more open to marrying outside of their ethnic group. Mixed marriages are not uncommon.

Most Bangka Malay are Muslim, but it’s not uncommon for traditional animistic beliefs to be mixed in with Islamic beliefs. There is a significant Chinese population, which has also influenced Bangka culture.

There are only a handful of known Bangka believers and no indigenous churches. There are some churches on the island, but they are predominately Chinese or Batak.

Pray that:

Believers living on Bangka will share the Gospel boldly and in a culturally sensitive way.

God will give wisdom to workers on Bangka to develop a Spirit-led strategy for reaching the Bangka Malay.

Spiritual strongholds of animism and occultism will not be mixed with Christianity among new believers.

Obedience-based discipleship will strengthen and equip new believers for a life of holiness and victory.

An indigenous, multiplying Bangka Malay church will be established soon.

Creative platforms will be developed to give workers opportunity to live and work on Bangka.

Churches on Sumatra, Java, and around the world will adopt the Bangka for intense, persistent, and focused intercession.

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