Thursday, March 3, 2016

Risk & Reward

This muscular Duano man is a lobster diver. He makes his living by diving down to catch lobsters with his bare hands. This is a dangerous profession. These men are diving deep enough to experience decompression sickness or the bends. Common symptoms of this malady include joint pain, paralysis, and even death. Because of these risks the work is seen as brave and manly, which is why many young men take it on. Oddly enough, they don’t make that much money. Perhaps for them, the payoff is in the respect they receive from other people in the village.

Many people on Sumatra suffer from the desire to be admired by other people, more than the desire to be applauded by God. This creates one of the biggest barriers to the Gospel on Sumatra. People reject the Gospel because they fear the reaction of other people. To them, it is better to risk the disapproval of God in order to receive the admiration of the people in their village.

The reward of pleasing God is of far more value than any wealth or power that this world can offer. The risk of displeasing God is worse than the consequences of decompression sickness. God is the One who can kill the body and cast the soul into hell (Matthew 10:28). The risks of rejecting the Gospel are considerable.

Pray for the peoples of Sumatra to fully understand the risk and reward of the Gospel.

Pray for Sumatrans to care more about the approval of God than of man.

Pray for lobster divers among the Duano and Simeulue to seek approval from God and leave this dangerous profession. Some risks aren’t worth the reward.

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