Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Aneuk Jamee People Group Profile

“But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God’” (Ruth 1:16, ESV).

The 65,000 Aneuk Jamee are a small and secluded people group on the west coast of Aceh Province in northern Sumatra. Their local dialect is Minangkabau, because they are descendants of people who migrated from Padang. Aneuk Jamee means “children of guests” in Acehnese.

The Aneuk Jamee earn a livelihood primarily from fishing, farming, and trading. Most of the fishing boats in the area are owned by Acehnese or business interests from Medan. There is a great need of economic development among this people group.

The Aneuk Jamee are predominately Muslim with a mixture of pre-Islamic animistic beliefs. It’s common to consult the spiritual leaders called dukuns for enchantments, curses, or healings. There are few known believers and no indigenous churches among the Aneuk Jamee.

Pray that:

Workers will hear and surrender to the call to reach the Aneuk Jamee with the Gospel.

Satan’s strongholds will be identified and brought down by specific, persistent intercession.

People of peace among the Aneuk Jamee will be identified by Spirit-led workers.

Gatekeepers to Aneuk Jamee areas will show favor to workers as they enter this unengaged area.

Aneuk Jamee believers will be gathered into house fellowships and taught to become passionate, vibrant followers of Jesus.

The first indigenous Aneuk Jamee church will be birthed soon.

The Aneuk Jamee, like Ruth, will have the loyalty and desire to follow the One True God no matter what.

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