Monday, November 11, 2013

Gambling with Eternity

This photo could have been taken anywhere on the island of Sumatra. Drinking, smoking and gambling are widespread social problems among the men of Sumatra. The worker who took this photo asked permission before he took the picture. Many enthusiastically agreed, but as the picture was taken many other men covered their faces. They knew in their hearts that gambling was wrong, but they do it anyway. Many of them are spending money at the expense of their wives and children.

Spiritual gambling is also a widespread problem on Sumatra. When asked about the methods they use to pay their sin debts many Sumatrans respond with a variety of possible good works – praying, fasting, giving to the poor, and doing good deeds. When asked if they are certain that those good works will completely pay their sin debt they respond that they hope so, but only God knows. When these same Sumatrans hear about the finished work of Jesus on the cross that can give them confidence that their sin debt is paid in full, they often still prefer the gamble of trusting in their good works and following their religious traditions.
Pray that God will set many Sumatran men free from addictions to alcohol and gambling that are devastating families across the island of Sumatra.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of the Gospel to Sumatrans so that they are willing to forsake their traditions in order to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Pray for believers on Sumatra to be bold to share the Gospel that alone can set people free from their religious gambling that is putting their eternal souls in danger.

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