Monday, March 21, 2016

Rambang People Group Profile

“Thus says the LORD: ‘Keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come, and my deliverance be revealed’” (Isaiah 56:1, ESV).

The 140,000 Rambang live in the lower Ogan Komering Regency. They often work in farming and are known for their traditional handiwork in bamboo, rattan, and wood. They are among the river people of South Sumatra. They are sometimes called the Rambang Senuli for the two rivers that outline their heartland.

The Rambang follow Sunni Shafi’i Isalm and trace their heritage to a historical leader named Lord Bintang Ruano. It’s said that this leader was the first to denounce animism and spread Islam in the neighboring Bengkulu area. High value is placed on reading the Qu’ran; reading competitions are held annually. They also give great honor to those who are able to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj. The Rambang are highly ritualistic people. They have rituals for all activities of life. Marriage is very important in Rambang culture as it’s seen as a way to unify the greater family and community.

There are no known Rambang believers. They live in an area with very few followers of Jesus, so they often have never heard the Gospel. They are friendly enough to visitors, but are suspicious of anyone trying to live among them.

Pray that:

The Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of the Rambang to hear and receive the Gospel.

God will call workers and then grant them favor to live near or among the Rambang people.

The Gospel will be broadly, boldly, and contextually shared among the Rambang.

There will be first-fruit believers among this group.

God will grant wisdom to establish and follow up with Rambang believers as they come to faith.

God will raise up leaders from among these first believers.

Christian professionals will come and help develop the economic sector for the Rambang while sharing the Gospel.

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