Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sleeping on the Job

This man has a physically demanding job. He pedals his bicycle taxi to earn perhaps one or two dollars for every fare. He’s often honked at and nearly run off the road by cars and motorcycles who don’t want to be behind him. He’s in competition with several other becok drivers, many of whom drive taxis that have a motorcycle instead of a bicycle. While his seat for his passengers is shaded, he toils under the punishing sun. At the end of a good day, he may make $20.

Many people on Sumatra have a similar situation; they work hard and make very little to show for it. When asked why they don’t try something new these men often shrug and say, “This is all I know. What else is there for the likes of me?”

It’s a common situation the world-over; we get into our ruts of what we know and can’t imagine a different life. The life we have makes us weary but what else is there? Jesus invites us all to come to Him when we are weary; He offers us rest and companionship (Matthew 11:28-30). He promises a new life if we will first let go of our old lives for His sake (Matthew 16:25). This is the point where many walk away. Life may be hard, but at least it’s familiar. Instead of grabbing hold of a new life, many people on Sumatra sleep on and miss Christ’s invitation.

Pray for a spiritual awakening on Sumatra.

Pray for millions of Sumatrans to hear and head Christ’s invitation.

Pray for workers on Sumatra to not get discouraged by the sleepy apathy of those they share the Gospel with.

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