Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Rejang People Group Profile

“But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 4:29, ESV).

Located primarily in the Bengkulu province, the 350,000 Rejang are people of the soil. Their primary vocation is farming. They live in areas still dominated by dense jungles. The Rafflesia Flower (the world’s largest flower) and many varieties of beautiful orchids grow wild throughout this area. The Rejang are a patriarchal people with a proud heritage for bravery in battle.

Each Rejang village is called a marga. The eldest male, also called the tua dusun, in the marga has great influence. He is seen as a ceremonial leader in all major celebrations, and is often sought as the mediator of disputes in the marga. The Rejang have their own language, which has four major dialects.
Education is readily available among the Rejang, but many youth choose to marry early instead. Unfortunately many of these early marriages end in divorce. Because of their low education rate, unemployment is high among the Rejang.

Most Rejang identify themselves as Muslim, but animism runs deep within their belief system. One fearsome spirit the Rejang believe in is called masumai. They believe masumai can take the form of either a man or a tiger. Rejang hold strong beliefs in the unseen spirit world. They often use magic for many purposes. There are no indigenous Rejang churches, and only a handful of believers.
Pray that:

The Rejang will seek the LORD with all their hearts.

Believers will show the power of Christ over the spirits that they fear.

More workers will be sent out to reach the Rejang.
The Holy Spirit will bring deep conviction of sin and of righteousness.
New Rejang believers will be faithful to the Word and bold to share the Gospel.

Wisdom for workers doing follow up and grouping new believers into house churches will be given.

Rejang people of influence will be open to the Gospel and to the Lord’s servants.

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