Monday, April 6, 2015

Say the Words

This group of Minangkabau children are being taught how to read Arabic. They are not being taught how to understand Arabic, but just how to pronounce the words. Many Muslims on Sumatra believe that understanding is not that important, it is the very words of the Koran that have power. Therefore if the children can pronounce the words correctly they can exercise spiritual power in their lives.

Many Muslims only know what they are told by their Mosque leaders about the meaning of the words in the Koran. This belief about the words themselves having power can be seen in the use of Arabic writing hung on the walls of Muslim owned businesses and homes. Many people believe that these words can ward off evil spirits and misfortune.
Well educated Muslims do not believe such superstitions, but they also study Arabic to understand the meaning as well as the pronunciation. Many Muslims feel that translations of their holy book corrupt the original meaning of the message. Therefore to understand the Koran a person must be able to read it in the original Arabic.

The belief in magic and magical charms is deeply rooted in many of the cultures on Sumatra. One of the challenges of sharing the Gospel on Sumatra is helping new believers to let go of their long-held trust in magic to protect them from spiritual forces that they encounter in their day-to-day existence. It is hard for them to trust in Jesus alone to protect them from the evil spirits that they fear.
Pray for the peoples of Sumatra to know the truth that will set them free.

Pray for new believers on Sumatra to grasp that Jesus is able to protect them from other spirits.
Pray for people on Sumatra to be emboldened and enabled to think independently of their spiritual leaders.

Pray for God to prepare the hearts of the 5.5 million Minangkabau to hear and receive the Gospel.

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